Monday, June 9, 2008

Last Day - now an official 2nd grader!

The way my summer is starting to look I figured I'd better post these now BEFORE school starts in the fall :-)! Abbie had a hard last day, her good friend has moved to North Carolina and both girls were taking it quite hard. Things quickly changed when Alexis called and the two got together to play this past weekend! Abbie is also having a hard time because she just loved Miss Cummings. I don't know if Abbie will ever have another teacher like her again in her future school days.

Abbie and Miss Cummings

Eventhough the day was cloudy and on the chilly side, Miss Cummings thought ahead and had visors for all the kids to decorate in case the day was going to be warm and sunny.

Since a variety of sicknesses were going around, Miss Cummings had all of the kids clean their desk from top to bottom to get rid of the germies! Bryce even got into it! He just loves Derek, one of Abbie's classmates. Everytime we visit school, he always sits by Derek.

With a few hundred kids running around, on the playground for the last day carnival, the school decided to have each grade in a different color so the teachers can keep better track of them! All 1st graders had to wear blue. That was very difficult for me to find, I had to dig for a blue shirt for Abbie since her favorite color is pink! This is the last 1st Grade Class of 2008 picture that was taken. Kinda bittersweet - my little girl is growning up!

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