Monday, March 24, 2008

Lovin' the Easter bunny? NOT! Just give me the eggs!

My mom's office has an Easter Egg Hunt every year and all of the employees can take their kids or grandkids. Abbie has been going to these hunts for many years, but as for Bryce this was his first year that he could experience it. I wonder if all kids have the same reaction when they see the Easter Bunny for the first time???? I still haven't decided which one Bryce disliked the most - Santa or the Easter bunny! Hopefully his fear of characters change before we go see Mickey Mouse :-)! Since there was snow on the ground, they had to move the hunt to the inside and I had to stay with Bryce so I am sorry to Abbie that I don't have any real good pictures of her "hunting". She had to maneuver herself through all of the office cubicles - very hard to get pictures of that! However, the picture shows that she didn't have a real difficult time doing that - I now have enough candy to last me until Christmas!

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