Monday, November 3, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Everytime at Halloween, I make a point to get to most of my family members. Even though it means having to break it up into two days. This year, on Friday night we went to see Brandon's parents and grandma - then headed off to church for our trunk or treat. I would've gotten pictures of that, but somehow I ended up getting stuck sitting on our tailgate handing out candy. On Saturday, I was able to get to my side of the family and to my best friend for some priceless pictures!

Sisterly/Brotherly love? Hmmm, let's give that a year or two :)!

My parents, can you tell that the kids are getting sick of pictures?

Uncle Jeff and Aunt Helene

Abbie, Ben Nykamp, Bryce

My grandparents

Brandon's grandma

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