Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween at Hidden Ridge Campground

The Pumpkin Chuck - Well, macho man(Brandon of course) only chucked the pumpkin about 10 feet. Don't worry, hunny I still love you! I'm not going to say much about this because he probably chucked it 10 feet further than what I would have.

The Pumpkin Roll - we bought the girls pumpkins to roll down the hill with other kids their age and I think Alexis came in second. Too bad they only award first place finishers.

The golf cart that my dad rented for the weekend was loved well by the kids. We put MANY miles on it!

A princess, a witch, and goofy??? Odd combination of characters if I must say so myself :-)! Don't worry, we didn't let "goofy" drive the cart!

Frantically running back to the campsite to empty their bags so they could reload on more sugar - they claimed that their bags were getting too heavy! The girls counted and they came up with 138 pieces of candy - I think that is about 10 to 20 shy of what they might've gotten since they were eating the candy as they Trick-or-treated to the campsites! I didn't get a picture of Bryce - bummer, but he made the adventure about an hour into it and then decided to take a nap. Everyone at the campsites thought he had the cutest costume.

It was really nice that Alexis came along with us. Abbie really enjoyed having a friend there. I didn't see much of them, they were always on the go!

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