Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Swimming Lessons - a busy two weeks!

For the past two weeks, Abbie has been having swimming lessons everyday for 40 minutes with her class. It made mornings quite complicated for me because I had to remember to pack more than just the normal everyday homework, books, and lunches. I had to focus on swimsuits, towels, goggles, and other items that a 7 year old going on 13 would need :-)! One day really stressed me out because it was school picture day. I didn't want my daughter to look like a drowned rat in a yearbook that the whole school district would look at. Then there was relief when I found out that the schedule was switched around. I will admit that I am a crazy mom that has to have her kids looking just right :-)! I was even planning on making a special trip to school to make sure she was picture ready! How crazy is that!

Abbie and her friend Tanna

Sorry a few of these pictures turned out blurry my digital camera doesn't have the best of zoom. I really need a camera that has great zoom and snaps pictures on demand!

Time to rest! (Swimming the length of the pool 5 times would tire anyone out!)

Abbie is also in private lessons, which is every Friday night for a half hour. I have been doing this a few times throughout the year for the past three years and have had Ms. Kerri every time.

The highlight of the lessons are at the end when Abbie can jump off the diving board. I think if you are to ask her what her favorite part about swimming lessons she will tell you jumping off the board. It really comforts me to know that she has become such an excellent swimmer! She does qualify for the Age Swim Team, but at 7 years old, I really didn't want her to have that much responsibility quite yet.

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